아웃룩 Outlook 캐시 삭제 방법 본문
아웃룩을 사용하다보면 주소록 업데이트가 안되거나 엉키는 경우가 발생하여
정보 불일치로 메일 전달이 안되는 경우가 있습니다.
이런 경우 아래와 가이드를 이용하여 아웃룩 캐시를 삭제하여 강제로 정보를 맞추면
메일 발신문제가 해결됩니다.
Close Outlook if you currently have it open.
Right-click on the "Start" button and click on "Open Windows Explorer" or "Explore," depending on the version of Windows you are currently using.
Double-click on the "C:" drive in the left-hand pane to open it in the Windows Explorer window on the right side. Navigate to the "\Local Settings\App Data\ Microsoft\Outlook" or the "\Local Settings\Application Data\ Microsoft\Outlook" folder.
Delete the ".dat" file to clear the "Microsoft Outlook Data" file. Delete the ".fav" file to clear the favorites. Delete the ".nk2" file to clear the "Nickname Cache" file. Delete the ".oab" file to clear the offline address book. Delete the ".ost" file to clear the offline file. Delete the ".pab" file to clear the address book. Delete all or some of these files to clear the cache in Outlook. Do not delete the ".pst" file; this is your Personal Folder File that Outlook uses to open your inbox and all of your personal folders, such as your calendar items and signature settings.
Close Windows Explorer when done and restart the computer for the changes to take effect. Click on "Start" again, then "Run." If using Windows Vista/7, you don't have to click on "Run," just start typing in the "Search" box. Type "outlook/cleanprofile." This will finish cleaning the cache and open Outlook.